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Burning man Poems 8/31

Day 1 at the Temple of Promise with my Hermes Baby Rocket manual typewriter.

It was an honor to set up and write for people about topics so close & personal to them.

Each photo is taken of the Carbon Copy that I kept for my memoirs.

Self Discovery

I am on a journey

The objective? Is to take the time

Truly seeing what is most important to me

I want to look deep within the well of my

Essence/Bring light to the well of my infinite

Depths so I may understand

The pure force of passion destined to lead me

Through my life- what is my path?

Perhaps when I have soaked in exactly who

I am/Then I will understand the truth

This meaning of my life? Is far more simple

Than I believe- the answer is I MUST BE

Exactly who I am/Having the courage

To express my truest intent

Learning who I am- is a blessing

I am grateful for each lesson

I refuse to hold back my emotion

I remain true to myself/by feeling

Each and everything that moves me

This pain? Is not an affliction

Rather- an opening my eyes to the world

Of deeper understanding

This is my joy- the processing of what my eyes

Are seeing. I refuse to stray by sugarcoating

The silver lining- I AM AWAKE my eyes are open

Wide to the suffering that goes hand in hand

With this life of mine&it is a gift. Each

Fleeting beautiful moment I cherish. Each

Bountiful beautiful lesson I learn... It's

Deeper than good or bad- Everything just is.

This empathy is my gift-so may I strive to

Continues seeing what others turn a blind eye to

Understanding, this is my deeper dream, destiny

Awaits for me through sincere feeling.

I have been searching for you so long with a

Purity in my heart- I try so hard yet I still

Have not found you. May I look inside to feel

The Divine light of God&begin to see, If I keep

Searching perhaps what I desire will never come

To me. Instead- may I trust that once I let my

Need go&Desires diminish... At the right place

&Time the perfect person will find me effort-

lessly we will unfurl into destiny. Seamless

Our love will blossom- yet until then. May I

Strive to cease my search, allowing the alone-

ness to teach me valueable lessons.


Yes-you were far from right for me

Yet now it is time for me to take accountability

For my actions. Take a step back&truly see.

Exactly what it is I did to allow you to break

Me as you have. This is a lesson&harsh reality

That you and I are here/seperately. Yet this

Is a golden gate of opportunity for me. I'm

Being gifted the experience of a lifetime- an

Epicenter for divine synchronicity and perfect

Timing awaits for me here. Only if I am able

To take the time I need- without jumping in to

The next 'big thing'... for after heart break

The time is what we need to truly heal&keep

Moving forward. Tomorrow? WILL BE SO MUCH



As I am wandering in Dusty paradise- may I

Strive to remember... Confidence lies at my

Fingertips so may I stroll with pride. Having

The Courage to seek whatever I desire. On this

Path- I will unleash the fertile Imagination

I've been blessed with. In each set of eyes I

Meet- there lies a story untold.. yet my minds

Eye can go wherever I choose to allow it to

Roam. Like many aspects of me- perhaps my mind

requires a bit of exercise/so be sure to

Engage each and every smiling face with a path-

way inside to the depths of their minds. Imagine

The bounty of dreams you alone have the power

To see.

Full Life

Each day when I awake the cycle begins again

It's then I am able to see exactly how lucky

I am-just to be. Rising with the morning sun

Is a gift. Each and every day exists to be

Lived&Cherished! It is my duty to enjoy&

Experience each gift offered to me. By entering

This bountiful stream of conciousness I see

Living a full life is here&now paired with

Gratitude beyond words, it is a way of life.

I've been down the path of cultivation

Loving myself/family&friends

Yet I have reached a point where I desire

A bit of something more. Perhaps a partner

Who I am able to share the rest of my life

With side by side. Yet I must see- lack of

Need&Holding myself back are two different

Things. May I open my heart to the love that

Exists around me. Moving forward without fear

If I want to find a partner/ purely&simply

I must put myself out there. Once I do- I'll

be surprised to find countless gifts I've missed

Out on the whole time. Now that I have

the knowledge the power is mine, may I take

A giant step outside my mind&Step into pure

Synchronicity&Perfect time.

My favorite experience

At Burning Man

Is walking to the temple

Soaking in the essence

Of what truly brings us here/purely simply

We are blessed to have a week

Of letting go/and I always weep

Not for what is lost but for what I will gain

In the desert from these beautiful souls

Walking along my path

This is what I favor because it is real

Tasty tangible tears

Rainbows of emotion greet me here

For all to see

This is me no hiding no seeking just being



Knowing the rest will fall into place

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